Celebrate the Anniversary of the ADA!

Bring your teams out for some learning & fun!

Let us help support your programming!

HELM Life works with expert partners to bring learning to our teams - in a fun and engaging way!

Anniversary of the ADA Clear the Board Game

Host a Fun Event

Let us host your teams in a Clear the Board Event where we learn about the fascinating history of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the people behind the push for recognizing and codifying the rights of disabled americans and things that your teams can do at work to be more inclusive.

MicroLearning Challenge Picture

Play a MicroLearning!

Learn asynchronously, but still all together. Get your teams together by sending out your company's custom link and inviting them to play a word-search-based game to learn, then test their new knowledge with a quiz! See if your score will be one of the top 3 on the board.

Crip Camp Movie Club icon

Run a Movie Club

Have you seen Crip Camp yet? This award-winning documentary follows a group of teenagers with disabilities from their first meeting at summer camp - to a lifetime of activism and the founding of the Disability Rights Movement!

What's a HELM Life Event like?

They're part research, part puzzle, part learning and part fun! Check out this one we built for Black History Month!

Available Programming:

What's a MicroLearning?

Image of the wordsearch game

MicroLearnings bridge what participants already know, with a little bit more info.

Fill-in-the-blanks style word search learning adds to what participants already know, with a little bit more DEI learning. It's quick, easy, interesing and fun.

Try One Learn More

Here's why teams choose HELM Life programming:

icon of a 2 virtual emcees waving to each other
We work with Amazing Hosts!
Although HELM Life can host up to 200 participants per event - all of the fun learning is done in breakout rooms of 6-8. Each group is hosted by one of our talented facilitators, to support teams in their learning and to make sure that everyone has a great time!
picture of an alarm clock
Easy to Organize
All HELM Life Learning Events fit within a 1-hour calendar block. They're led by our event emcees and are easy to plan, well-researched and fun to do - organizers simply need to get teams to their link, and we'll take over from there! We'll also set you up with: share images, a blurb to share, a calendar invite and a registration page to share with your teams!
two people shaking hands
Donation Included
All HELM Life Learning Events include a donation to an organization working to address the systemic inequalities we'll be learning about and working towards change supporting the community.


We're proud to have partnered with experts in the diversity, equity and inclusion space - leaders with over 20 years experience in bringing about the change that we need to see in the world.
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Tana Turner, B.A. (Psych), B.A. (Soc), M.A. (Soc)
Turner Consulting Group

As Principal of the Turner Consulting Group Inc., Tana has been working towards change in the DEI space for over 30 years, having worked on the first major analysis of the diversity of the City of Toronto in the 1990's. She has worked with school boards, municipalities, police services and has also developed and delivered human rights and unconscious bias training. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at York University.
black and white logo of the equity equation
Sacha Thompson, CEO & Founder
The Equity Equation

Sacha Thompson has been a DEI leader for over 20 years, working in both non-profit and in tech. A former Amazonian in the diversity and inclusion space, Sacha helps executives and leaders have that important dialogue, that begins the work towards long-term changes to institutional cultures.

Things people often ask: