Fun & Interactive Hosted Social Experiences for Teams.

85% of teams who book a HELM Life event become recurring customers.

Already Loved By Hundreds of Companies
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HELM Life's Game Shows and Virtual Escape Rooms have been played by over 100,000 participants!

Our games are thoughtful, inclusive and fun - but it's really HELM Life's team of fantastic people that help make our events so special. We're great hosts and we know how to make sure that everyone has a fun time.

Mystery at the Cabin
Flavors Unite
Holiday Holdover
Breather at the Beach
Operation: Off the Grid
May the 4th

Virtual Escape Rooms

Game Show-style Events

Here's how organizations host HELM Life Virual Events

All-Hands or Company-wide

Whether it's 50 remote employees or 500 employees around the world - if you've got employees in multiple locations, a HELM Life event could be just the thing that you're looking for.

Exciting, team building, and fun. And you get great pictures!

Manager-led Events

If you're looking for a way to help employees celebrate, but not in one big party, we can set-up an event-booking landing page for you to share with your managers to let them book their own fun events, and a central party can pick up the tab.

Just a Small Little Party

Sometimes you just want to treat your own team to something fun. Schedule a Gameshow or a Virtual Escape Room Party to get a chance to work together, solve some puzzles, laugh and connect.

Step 1: Book a Virtual Escape Room that sounds fun to you!

Bring your teams together for some Virtual or Hybrid fun!

What about a Gameshow? Complete with a phone buzzer!

Since our launch last year of Gameshow-style Events - they've been wildly popular! Take a picture of the QR Code to join your team and set up your buzzer as you compete to answer the trivia!

Step 2: We'll send you a registration page and branded promo images

Get Advertising ASAP with branded assets

We'll set you up with a registration page to share - where you can log in and manage attendance - and some great images to promote the event!
See Promo Images See Registration Page

Step 3: Our Amazing Emcees and Hosts will welcome your teams

We pride ourselves on being great hosts!

From the moment you enter the organizer pre-meeting to event goodbyes - your teams will be fully looked after, with a host for each breakout room.

Step 4: Check your Top Scores Page and see your Team Pics!

Photos of Each Team Make Events More Memorable!

If your team is competitive - they'll love our Top Scores Page, our All-Time-Top-Scores page and the pictures of each time that you'll get!

Here's the Run of Show!

With a HELM Life hosted event - we'll make sure things run smoothly, so that you can have fun too!

We’ve done virtual events before and this EASILY takes the cake.
It was SUPER fun. I want more!!!!!! I will spread the word about how awesome HELM is!!


The event was great! Everybody loved it!

Anu R.

That was the best team building experience that we as an office have had since COVID started.

Dominic A.

Whatever you plan to do - we hope that we can be part of it.

We love seeing teams gather, connect, have fun and reflect - and we love helping them to do that.

Things that people ask us:

General Information
Are your events staffed?
Yes! When booking with HELM Life, you can rest assured that we'll run the event from start to finish! The event runs on our Zoom, HELM Life provides an emcee to open and run the event, hosts to make sure that guests get started in the game and have a great time, as well as additional tech support as required based on party-size.

Your job is to book the event, advertise it with the resources that we provide, log into the dashboard 2 days prior to update us about a few event logistics and then get people to the link. Once the party starts - you have no responsbilities whatsoever. You can play and enjoy yourself!
How long do Virtual Escape Rooms and Gameshows take?
The entire HELM Life Virtual Escape Room or Gameshow takes place on Zoom fits into a calendar hour and takes less than 60 minutes from start to finish.

Teams have up to 40 minutes to play the games, with some time at the start and end to welcome people, recap and connect.
How many people can participate?
We host events of all sizes - from 3 or 4 participants to over 200! For Virtual Escape Room events teams of 6-8 race off against each other in breakout rooms. For gameshow-style events, the Buzzer Round and Family Feud-style Round are in the main room with all of the participants, and then we head to breakout rooms for some chit chat and conversations.
Can I try a Demo?
You absolutely can! Schedule a 1:1 demo here.
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Booking & Payments
What's the best way to book?
Submit a booking request here and enter the date/time/timezone that you'd like to host your party, which event you'd like to host and how many participants you expect. We'll get your request and approve it in 1-2 hours!
What kind of lead time do we need?
There are 2 factors that are relevant to how much lead time you need:
  • Time you need to advertise the event
  • Whether or not we have availability when you want to run your event.
If you're inviting many people and asking them to register - you want more time to advertise and we suggest a 2-3 week lead time.

If you're scheduling an event during a pre-scheduled meeting or an All-Hands - you need less lead time, 3-5 days can work as long as we have availability (but more lead time is better!).

If it's a small group (less than 30) - we can accommodate more requests with 1-2 days lead time.

Submit a Booking Request here: and we'll get going!
Once I book, how do I get more information?
Within a few hours of submitting a booking request, you'll get a confirmation for your event and an email with all of your event details. In addition to that, you'll also get some information and assets on how to advertise, how to check your attendance numbers and what you need to do on your end to make your event a success.
Is there a way for me to help our managers to book their own parties?
There is! Some companies opt to set up a Manager Booking Page like this One that allows individual managers to book Gameshow or Virtual Escape Rooms as it fits their schedule. Once they send a request, we can approve it within a few hours and send out all of the information that they need. Then one central account can pick up the tab. What we generally see in cases like this, is that a few managers book, their teams have a blast and then word spreads across the company as more teams want to get in on the fun! So starting earlier is better because it gives more teams time to play.
How does billing work ?
On booking, we'll send you an invoice for the party size that you've selected. Payment is due upon booking (and definitely by the day of the party!) and is payable by credit card, ACH, bank transfer and
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Event Types & Sizes
What's the difference between a Gameshow and a Virtual Escape Room?
Both types of events start with the invited attendees all together in one big Zoom Event. For Virtual Escape Room events, teams break off into groups of 6-8 to play off against each other in breakout rooms as they race to solve puzzles, jigsaws, riddles and clues to solve the mysteries and finish first. They're interactive games where everyone on a team can move pieces and look around to participate in the game, in a small group setting where people can chat and work together.

Gameshow events begin in the main room with 2-4 teams facing off against each other on a round of trivia questions, we then move on to a Family Feud-style Round, also in the main room. After that, we head to breakout rooms for some social conversation for a few minutes, to make sure that people have a chance to connect. All event close out with an event recap and some connection in the main room.
How can a large event with so many people be interactive?
We've been doing this for a while and have a pretty good formula worked out! Our events are all a combination of people in large spaces - everyone all together in the main room, and small spaces - groups of 3-8 in breakout rooms. Both spaces are important - big groups give people a chance to appreciate their organization as a whole and give leaders a chance to address the entire group, and small spaces give people a chance to connect with each other in a more personal way. Our events get rave reviews, and they're an excellent way to finish off the year.
How do I pick the best event size?
Pick the event size into which your party best fits. If it's on the cusp of 2 sizes - here's how to think about it. Smaller parties have fewer HELM Life hosts at the event. If your team members will be on time, are tech savvy, great on Zoom, good at figuring out new technologies (like the game platform), and keen to play - then you're safe going with the smaller party. However, if they'll need some tech support, if you don't use Zoom regularly or if you will likely have a lot of late joiners - then you'd be wise to pick the larger party. Otherwise there's a chance that there will be more waiting around, and a few more delays as HELM Life staff members help those who arrive late, can't connect to audio or are having a hard time getting started. They'll have a fun time either way - but things flow more smoothly when people are accurate in selecting their party size.
Can I change my event size?
You can increase your party size until 2 days before your event - at that point we'll send you an email asking for confirmation of your party size. Since the attendance ranges are pretty broad, most groups have attendance numbers that fall within their anticipated range. However - at that point, if you feel it would be a better idea to have more host support - you're free to upgrade your party size. Unfortunately you cannot decrease your party size at that point, because we will already have staffed for it. If you'd like to decrease your party size - you must do it 7 days prior to your event. In the event of party size decreases, we do not offer refunds - but we will offer you a credit on a future event.
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Advertising & Registering Participants
How should I advertise our event internally?
In the email that we send you confirming your event, we'll also send you a few useful things to help you to advertise to make your event a success. We'll send you a link to downloadable images with your logo on them, that you can use to advertise. Feel free to post these to your internal channels - like Slack or Teams, send them out by email or print them and post them around your office. We'll also send you a registration page that you can use to tell people about your event. If people register with this page, they'll get a confirmation email with the event details about the event, they'll be added to the calendar invite for the event and they'll get a reminder about the event on the day of.
How often should I advertise?
To make your event a success, we suggest posting about the event to different channels a few times a week leading up to the event. It helps if you can get someone from the leadership team to post about your event, and get a few different people to ask if people have registered yet. We also find that some people are really motivated by competitions and prizes - so if you're offering a prize to the winning team - tell people about it!
Can I add people to the calendar invite that you send me for the event?
Yes, you can. Email and we'll adjust the calendar invite settings so that this is possible. If you decide to go this route, be aware that:
1 - If you add a group email (rather than individual emails) to the invite, we will not be able to tell how many people have accepted it 2 - People who are added to the calendar invite, but did NOT register using the HELM Life registration page will not get any email reminders about the event
Can I put the event into in my own calendar (or other) invite?
Yes, you can. It's not our preference, though - because it means that we don't have any insight into how your registration is going. This means that if you end up needing a larger event at the last minute, with more staff - there's a chance we won't be able to add additional staff. If you're managing your own event numbers - we're assuming that unless you tell us, they event size that you booked is sufficient and we will plan to staff for that. If you are confident on your event size and attendance numbers - this isn't an issue.
Can I see who has registered?
Yes! If you are using HELM Life's registration page, you can log into the HELM Life Dashboard - - and see who has registered, as well as entering more information about your event.
Can I add someone at the last minute?
Yes! As long as you are remaining within the size limits of the party that you have booked, you can add participants to the event. Please be advised - if you party goes over the participant limit of the event, we will upgrade it on the fly and will bill you for the larger size event. Add someone to the event by sending them to the registration page, or by sending them the Zoom details. Either way - please update your HELM Life Dashboard - to keep us up to date of your attendance numbers.
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On the Day of the Event
Will people be reminded to join on the day of the event?
If you used HELM Life's registration page to register attendees, then they will get an email reminder on the day of the event - AND they'll get calendar reminders if they've accepted the invite. If you decided to manage your registrations in an alternate way (which is totally fine), you will be responsible for letting people know about the event, because we don't have their contact info to do so.
What should I do on the day of the event?
Event Day is an exciting day! Since HELM Life most of the ins and outs of the event, you don't have a big job on Event Day! It's always good to post a reminder about the event for people who may have missed the email and to get people excited to join. You may have to answer some last minute questions for people - and we'd advise having your Zoom link and event details handy if anyone who has registered asks for it. If you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event and you haven't already tested your VPN - you can do a quick test here ==> Feel free to share that link with others in your org. If you cannot access that link and you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event - please ask your IT department to add the and domains to the allow-list BEFORE the event starts.
Can I join the event 10 minutes early?
HELM Life staff will be able to let the event admins/organizer into the event 2 minutes before the event start time to go over any last minute details. Anything that you would like to communicate to HELM Life about your event should be entered into the Event Notes section of your HELM Life dashboard at This includes information like: who to let in 2 minutes before the event, if anyone from your team would like to speak for 2 minutes at the start of the event, and any additional information you'd like us to know.
Will we get a team picture?
Yes! Your team picture will be emailed to the event administrator after the event.
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Event Logistics
Might our VPN be an issue?
It might, but it's usually a solvable issue. If you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event and you haven't already tested your VPN - you can do a quick test here ==> Feel free to share that link with others in your org. If you cannot access that link and you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event - please ask your IT department to add the and domains to the allow-list BEFORE the event starts. This is not a concern for Gameshow Events.
Can I join the event 10 minutes early?
HELM Life staff will be able to let the event admins/organizer into the event 2 minutes before the event start time to go over any last minute details. Anything that you would like to communicate to HELM Life about your event should be entered into the Event Notes section of your HELM Life dashboard at This includes information like: who to let in 2 minutes before the event, if anyone from your team would like to speak for 2 minutes at the start of the event, and any additional information you'd like us to know.
Can we set the breakout rooms?
In a short anwer - No. Sorry! We run so many events on such a packed schedule, that as a rule - we run all of our events with random teams. If your event is small - 16 people or less - you are free to discuss team structure with the host at the start of your event and they'll do their best to accommodate you. For larger events, it gets to be logistically difficult - you have to get people to the right breakout rooms, some people have last minute conflicts and then you have some very small teams, etc - it just gets very chaotic, delays the start of the games and then people don't get a chance to finish. So we do random teams. That being said - if you have a small number of specific requests (don't put X with Y, please put A and B together) that can often work. But please keep it to a minimum.
Can someone from our team open the meeting or say a few words?
No and Yes. HELM Life emcees always open the meeting to welcome people as they join and get people excited for the event. Once a majority of the participants have joined, we are very happy to pass off the mic to someone to say a few words of welcome. If you'd like to do this, please update the Speaker section of the HELM Life dashboard at Please, please keep it short - 1-2 minutes max. We run a very tight ship and all events must start and finish on time. If your speaker goes over 2 minutes - we WILL cut them off.
Can we take over the link afterwards for our own celebration?
Yes - please add it to your Event Notes in the HELM Life dashboard at and mention it to the emcee at the 2-minute pre-meeting.
Can people join late?
Yes, HELM Life events are open to late joiners. One of the hosts, or the emcee or tech support will admit them to the meeting and help them to get started in the game. If you anticipate having a lot of late joiners - please let the emcee know in the 2-minute event pre-meeting, and please make sure (ahead of time) that you have to correct event size for your group. If you have many late joiners and a too-small event, the quality of the event may be affected, since late joiners need more staff attention to get them up and running.
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Technical Information
Can I join on a phone?
You can join on a mobile device, but we don't suggest it if you have another option. With a small screen, it's hard to play through the escape rooms and be able to chat on Zoom at the same time! If it's your only option - do it, but it's a better experience on a laptop or desktop.
Might our VPN be an issue?
It might, but it's usually a solvable issue. If you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event and you haven't already tested your VPN - you can do a quick test here ==> Feel free to share that link with others in your org. If you cannot access that link and you're doing a Virtual Escape Room Event - please ask your IT department to add the and domains to the allow-list BEFORE the event starts. This is not a concern for Gameshow Eve nts.
How do Gameshow Buzzers work?
Buzzers are a new addition to our games and a lot of fun! For Gameshow Events, participants join the game by taking a picture of a QR code, and entering a game code, which logs them into the game. People can also join from a link on their computers, if this is easier.
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