Love it or hate it, AI is here. Speaking to the 2025 Black History Month theme "African Americans and Labor", this 1-hour Interactive Learning Event brings your teams together to consider technological leaps through the ages, the Black technologists at the forefront of those changes and looks into the future to discuss the potential impacts of AI on people, the environment, careers and industries. An inclusive conversation geared to general audiences helps us to explore the changes that AI may bring and how to best prepare for them.
The world, workplaces, jobs and industries will all see big changes with the introduction of broadly-applicable AI Tools - including Co-Pilot, Gemini and ChatGPT - and the integration of AI into many new products and services that we use. Getting familiar with these new technologies will be crucial to the next stage of career growth. Let's work together on ERG-led professional development to grow our expertise wth AI Tools in the workplace.
Once you request an event, HELM Life Life provides a link to the game page and all of the content that you'll need to advertise the game. It even comes with a countdown clock until the event starts!
Use HELM Life's pre-written share assets, images and blurbs to tell people about the event. These assets double as heritage month Internal Communications posts for Slack, Sharepoint and newsletters.
Sample Comms AssetsMicroLearnings only take 10 minutes to play, include interesting and accessible content. The word search teaches new infomation and the quiz asks about what they just learned. There's also a Top Scores page!
Sample Top ScoresWe are excited to welcome Genesis Rivera in a talk called Black Labor in Focus: Innovation, Equity, and Collective Empowerment. Drawing from the rich legacy of those who have put in the work, Genesis will discuss the potential for hope to spark innovation as well as reinventing ourselves and our strategies in the face of challenges.
We are excited to welcome Dr. R. Xach Williams in a talk about Democracy & Voting Rights (then & now). Dr. Xach sets the scene by discussing Carter G. Woodson and the founding of Black history month, then touches on Black resistance to the anti-democractic practices of racism and segregation and includes information about James Meredith, Septima P. Clark, & Rosa Parks.